We will become world’s no. 1 smartphone maker without US market, Huawei - JOBS And Tech News


Sunday 1 April 2018

We will become world’s no. 1 smartphone maker without US market, Huawei


Huawei had a lot of big plans for the US market, which have been crushed when the company recently came under fire in the US. The government agencies advised American people and the companies to not purchase Huawei devices. American agencies like NSA, CIA, and FBI are concerned that Huawei devices are being used to spy on Americans, which has forced the company to exit its plans with carriers. Owing to governments pressure even the unlocked Huawei phones are taken off the shelf from multiple stores including BestBuy as well.

The company’s CEO Richard Yu says,
“We are committed to the US market and to earning the trust of US consumers by staying focused on delivering world-class products and innovation. We would never compromise that trust, the security risk concerns are based on groundless suspicions and are quite frankly unfair. We welcome an open and transparent discussion if it is based on facts”.
The US government is forcing Huawei out owing to the notion that the smartphone maker spies on the users. Huawei is working with 46 of the 50 global operators, this means they do have proper security for its users and respect their privacy. Huawei has 13 working offices in the US with over 1000 employees. This shows Huawei wants to make a mark in the US market. The CEO has not been satisfied with the answers the agencies have been giving them like Huawei devices are sending personal data back to China which is being closely monitored, which the CEO finds baseless.
The concerned thing is that Huawei is the only Chinese company which is being pushed out of the market. If US agencies are concerned with electronics made in China and being monitored, and if they think that the security and privacy of the American people are being compromised due to them, then, it is unfathomable to see Lenovo or OnePlus or simply all the Chinese companies operating in the US.
Huawei has grown into one of China’s largest private corporations even if its unable to enter US market. It is now planning to expand into the overseas market such as Europe.
Whose side are you on? The US government or Huawei? Do you think Huawei devices are a threat to your privacy? Let us know the comments below.

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